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Paper by Zhiyuan Yang et al. got accepted to RoboSoft 2025!

Our recently submitted paper “Effect of Jet Coordination on Underwater Propulsion with the Multi-Robot SALP System” has been accepted for publication at the 8th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft 2025). Congratulations to the authors, Zhiyuan Yang, Yipeng Zhang, Matthew Herbert, M. Ani Hsieh, and Cynthia Sung, for this exciting new research!

Brianna presented at the 2024 BMES Annual Meeting!

Congratulations to Brianna Leung for presenting her poster at the Biomedical Engineering Society’s (BMES) Annual Meeting in Maryland!

Brianna’s work “Mechanical characterization of an origami-inspired multistable tube for reconfigurable implants” introduces the design and characterization of an origami medical device. An exciting contribution to mechanics and bio-medical devices!

Daniel and Ling presented at WAFR 2024!

Congratulations to Daniel Feshbach and Ling Xu for presenting their innovative research at the Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR) in Chicago!

Daniel’s work, “Algorithmic Design of Kinematic Trees Based on CSC Dubins Planning for Link Shapes,” introduces a new approach for designing kinematic trees using Dubins path for robotic structures. Ling’s presentation, “Reparametrization of 3D CSC Dubins’ Paths Enabling 2D Search,” simplifies 3D paths, enabling faster robot planning.

Both are making exciting contributions to robotics!

Daniel Feshbach, Wei-Hsi Chen, Ling Xu, Emil Schaumburg, Isabella Huang, Cynthia Sung: Algorithmic Design of Kinematic Trees Based on CSC Dubins Planning for Link Shapes. Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR), 2024.
Ling Xu, Yuliy Baryshnikov, Cynthia Sung: Reparametrization of 3D CSC Dubins' Paths Enabling 2D Search. Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR), 2024.

Successful workshop at the Arts League

We held a workshop at the Arts League in West Philly to excite visitors about the Artists in Residency program with the Sung Robotics Lab. Attendees folded and assembled origami robots while learning about coding and mechanics.

Learn more about the Artists in Residency program: